Tefillah Tips - Kaddish III

"Bealmah Divrah Chirutei Veyamlich Malchutei - In this world that You have created according to Your will, May Your Kingdom be shown unto us." If one could only focus on the meaning of this line of Kaddish every day the world would be a different and better place to live in.

A distraught couple once came to see one of the great Rabbinic leaders of the last generation amidst marital distress. The wife complained bitterly of the verbal and emotional abuse she sustained on a daily basis. When the wise Rabbi confronted the husband he did not deny his poor and unacceptable behavior. The Rav looked caringly at the couple and asked, How do you get along when you are a guest in someone's home? The couple responded that indeed the relationship was more successful and pleasant when they spent time in other people's domain. At which time the Rabbi remarked, "my dear friends you are always a guest in G-d's world - even in your own home."

One of the most potent lessons of reciting and understanding Kaddish is that we don't make the rules of life and of living. We don't decide who should be born, how long she will live, and the gifts and challenges that will face her. It is not our world to decide! "Bealmah Divrah Chirutei Veyamlich Malchutei" - It is G-d's world to decide.

"Veyamlich Malchutei - May Your Kingdom be shown unto us." When we enter into the summer vacation season we plan relaxing vacations filled with thrills and pleasures. To some it is the golf course, and others it's the beach or pool, we all have our favorite spot(s) to unwind and enjoy. Think of a barbeque on a warm summer day as the sun begins to set over the horizon - What could be better than that? My Rebbe used to say, G-d is going to send the Messiah on Super Bowl Sunday in the fourth quarter and we are going to have to shut off the TV and go to Jerusalem, Israel. Recreation and enjoyment are important and stimulating but not the goals of a worthy life.

Despite all the advertising on television, radio, and other media, the goal in life is not to have fun. Remember - this world was created by a Creator that presented explicit instructions how to use His world - Bealmah Divrah Chirutei. Our goals should be to see the will of the Creator fulfilled. There is nothing like a well executed touchdown pass right out of the playbook. There is nothing as pretty as an alley-oop dunk by an NBA superstar. But the ultimate joy will be Veyamlich Malchutei - when we see the world in its glorified state beyond evil and war with goodness and respect, following the rules of the eternal playbook - the Torah.