Tefillah Tips - Baruch Sheamar I

The tefillah Baruch Sheamar is the opening prayer of the section of the shacharit entitled Pesukei Dezimra-verses of song. The implication of the title, Pesukei Dezimra is that the reciting of the organized praises of Hashem should potentially launch us into a state of spiritual song. This can only occur if we dedicate time to understanding the prayers and devote enough time to saying them. In fact the Shulchan Aruch prescribes that men should grasp their front two tzizit at the moment of reciting Baruch Sheamar. The commentators explain to us that since there are eight strings and five knots on each corner, holding the two front tzizit places twenty-six knots and strings in our hands. Twenty-six is also the numerical equivalent to G-d’s name (Y-H-V-H). By holding the tzizit we are prompted to realize and confront the seriousness of our task. We are approaching the King Of The Universe with praises as we begin Baruch Sheamar.

Psalms and liturgy generally present a poetic style. Nevertheless, all phrases, words, and sentences are steeped in layers and layers of meanings. Research and analysis of all prayers in the Siddur-prayer book, will uncover treasure chests filled with brilliant insights and ideas.

The prayer we are discussing, Baruch Sheamar, begins with a seemingly straightforward set of phrases. “Baruch Sheamar Vehayah Olam…… Baruch Omer Veoseh- G-d spoke and the world came into being…… G-d speaks and does”. On a simple level these words may be understood to mean that at the time of the creation (5769 years ago) G-d willed the world into existence through his utterances; and G-d continues to speak and will his desires (so to speak) into our world today. However, on a deeper level we can understand these phrases differently-that when G-d created the world, His act of creation not only made the heavens and the earth long ago, it is also still in full force in our world today.

Rav Chaim Voloshiner explains in “Nefesh Hachaim” that there are two differences between the way that man constructs and G-d constructs. When man builds he needs raw materials and when construction is done the building stands on its own. When G-d constructs He needs no raw materials and continues to will the existence of His handiwork after the construction is completed. The same G-d that created all the wonders of the world 5769 years ago continues to maintain its existence every second of every minute of every day of the year.

Understanding this principle and staying cognizant of it throughout the day allows us to view the world in an entirely different light. We must appreciate that every second Hashem is mercifully continuing to maintain the world as we know it. This not only should evoke feelings of awe and gratitude to G-d for his omnipotent power and kindness, but it should also serve as a reminder to us of our great responsibility to live a directed and positive life that develops the world the way He has instructed us to.