Tefillah Tips - Baruch Sheamar III

The next two phrases in the prayer Baruch Sheamar are “Baruch Merachem al Haaretz- Blessed is Hashem that has mercy on the earth and Baruch Merachem al Habriot- Blessed is Hashem that has mercy on creatures/mankind.

The first of the two phrases points out that G-d not only created the earth with mercy and kindness, he also continues to deal with the earth with mercy and kindness.

Historically there have been philosophers and philosophies that maintained that G-d did create the world and then the forces of nature took over. Authentic Jewish thought maintains that G-d continues His divine care and involvement every millisecond that the world exists. The more one pays attention to G-d’s involvement in daily life, the more gratitude one feels to Him. Whether it be the beauty of a sunrise, the awesomeness of thunder and lightning, or leaves falling off the trees as the season slowly changes. G-d has mercy on the earth and renews the wonders of His creation continuously- “Baruch Merachem al Haaretz”.

“Baruch Merachem al Habriot-Blessed is G-d that has mercy on His creatures/mankind” teaches us that G-d’s care and concern is not limited to aspects of the creation that exist for thousands of years like the sun, the moon, and the mountains. G-d also has infinite mercy for his prized creation-mankind.

With privilege also comes responsibility. Since humanity unlike the animal kingdom and the earth has been bestowed the G-d-like quality of freedom of choice, human beings are held to a higher standard. We have rules, regulations, a moral code i.e. the Torah to maintain and guide us. When we are successful we are rewarded, and when we fail we are punished. One might think that since humans have been so unbelievably blessed as opposed to mice, mountains, and rainbows, that people are not deserving of G-d’s ultimate mercy. Therefore explains Rav Avigdor Miller z”l, the prayer comes to exclaim that G-d expresses infinite mercy for humanity as well-“Baruch Merachem Al Habriot”.