Tefillah Tips - Baruch Sheamar V

The next phrase in the prayer Baruch Sheamar that we will study is “Baruch Podeh Umatzil- Blessed is G-d that redeems and saves”. The obvious question is- what is the implied difference between redemption and salvation?

The Vilna Gaon zt”l explains in the Siddur Hagra that redemption implies with the consent of a captor; whereas salvation is defined as against the will of a captor. A basic tenet of Jewish thought and philosophy maintains that G-d is the King of kings and the All-powerful force in and of the universe. Therefore it follows that if G-d desires to redeem and/or save a captive no entity in the world can prevent him from succeeding. Therefore He is Baruch Podeh Umatzil - The ultimate redeemer and savior.

Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l advances a completely different thought regarding this verse. He maintains that after uttering the previous phrases which proclaim G-d’s ability and reliability to maintain eternal justice and punish the wicked for their wickedness, one could be intimidated, frightened and consequently less aware of G-d’s unmatched love and concern for His people. Therefore, the prayer continues- “Blessed is G-d that redeems and saves” to remind us of His eternal bond with the Jewish people collectively and individually.

Rav Miller zt”l explains that the word redeem implies a change of status i.e. from slave to a free citizen. The word save resonates the following type of transition- After a prisoner is released and a slave is freed, a mentality may remain in the psyche of the prisoner/slave for years and sometimes for life. Hashem not only helps to achieve a new status, but also that the complex/ mentality will be shattered and a better more wholesome life may be lived.

Further Conclusion: Although in our generation we do not encounter forced enslavement and captivity on a regular basis Bli Ayin Hara, many of us are captive to our own inclination(s). This tefilla also serves to remind us that with G-d’s help we can break free from personal bad habits, wrong attitudes, and negative behaviors if we systematically attempt to. True success will be achieved not only by behavioral improvement, but also by viewing ourselves in a completely new light. Although this is not an easy task to achieve, we can persevere because we have a loving Creator in heaven that will help us every step of the way in order win this vital battle- “Baruch Podeh Umatzil- Blessed is G-d that redeems and saves”.