Tefillah Tips - Baruch Sheamar VII

The next phrase in the tefilla that we will be studying is, “ Hamehullal Befi Amo Meshubach umefoar bilshon chasidav va-avadav- G-d is lauded by the mouths of his people and praised and glorified by the tongues the his pious followers and servants”.

After reading these words carefully two questions can be asked. Firstly, what is the difference between the lauding of the people and the praising of the servants? And secondly what is to be understood from the fact that the people use their mouths and the servants use their tongues?

The Baruch Sheamar written by HaRav Baruch Halevy Epstein zt”l discusses the matter at length. He explains the answer to our first question saying that Hallel- lauding of G-d could and should be done by everyone and anyone of the Jewish people. Shevach –praise of G-d is reserved for a privileged group referred to as pious servants.

Rabbi Epstein zt”l uses a similar approach to understand the answer to the second question as well. “Prayers from the mouth”- implies a generic and standard style of prayer. Whereas “praise of the tongue”- represents a more poignant and descriptive expression of prayer with plenty of skillful detail.

There are two important lessons that can be learned from these words. #1- Tefilla is something that we are encouraged to get better at as we grow older. We should not daven at thirty-five years old the same way we davened when we were five years old. #2. One needs to approach G-d, Torah, and spirituality from an angle that it is suitable for him/her. The same way one looks silly wearing a suit that is three sizes to big, or the way a child misuses a four syllable word out of context, so too could a person live a Torah life that is not fitting for him/her. Every Jew must first know where they are at (one needs to be in touch with oneself), and then approach Torah, tefillah and mitzvot appropriately.