Tefillah Tips - Baruch Sheamar IX

As we conclude our study of Baruch Sheamar let’s take note of the chosen phraseology. “Yachid Chay Hao’lomim…Baruch Atoh Hashem Melech Mehullal Batishbachot- G-d who is ONE, Life Giver of all worlds…. Blessed are you Hashem- the King that is lauded with praises”.

The implication of G-d being ONE is that everything in the universe and beyond is part of G-d’s handiwork. There is nothing anywhere in the galaxies that resides outside of G-d’s dominion. We have enough of a challenge managing our own lives, the lives of our families, our professional tasks and personal strivings; Hashem is the CEO of every spec of this world and the next-astonishing when we think about it.

The blessing concludes, “Blessed… the King that is lauded with praises”. The Siach Yitzchak remarks on this phrase that praising Hashem is very different than praising any other being in the world. When we praise people we are aware that there are deficiencies present in the person. Nevertheless, even after taking into account all of his/her failings, praise is still in order. G-d on the other hand is perfect and unblemished in every aspect imaginable. So when we praise Hashem it is 100% true and unadulterated praise.

It is with these thoughts in mind that we begin our morning praises which prepare us to accept the kingdom of G-d of heaven upon us-Shema and offer requests and thanksgiving in the masterful Amidah- Silent prayer of 18 benedictions.