Tefillah Tips - Mizmor LeTodah III

The next sentence in the prayer is, "De'u Ki Hashem hoo Haelokim; hoo asanu velo anachnu amo vetzon mareito - Know that Hashem He is G-d; It is He that made us, we belong to Him we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture."

It has been mentioned in previous Tefilla Tips that the theme of this Psalm #100 is thanksgiving. One who feels gratitude is joyous. And one is grateful because of the knowledge of what has been done for him. Therefore in this Tefilla we are encouraged to come forth in joy and pay tribute to our Creator. Why- because we KNOW that He is G-d, He made us, we belong to Him.

It is pointed out by the commentaries that both the name Hashem and the name Elokim are used in this verse. The implication of Elokim is G-d's attribute of pure judgment. The implication of Hashem, is G-d's attribute of mercy. The reason why both are used is to teach us that whether G-d displays mercy or strict judgement, we should realize that since it is from the Almighty it is by definition for our best.

The pasuk continues, "Hoo asanu velo anachnu - It is He that made us and we are His." It is interesting to note that the word "Velo" has a tradition of being written one way and read a different way-this is called a Kri Vechtiv. It is also pointed out that the two different words and their meanings complement each other. When we read it Velo - and to Him- the meaning is as we explained before- that we are G-d's people. When it is read Veloa, with an Alef it means, "And not us". The meaning now switches and reminds mankind that man is not in control of is destiny. "Hoo asanu veloa anachnu - He made us, NOT US!" With the unbelievable advances that have been made in all areas of science in the last century, it is not difficult to convince oneself that man is the ultimate decider of his own destiny. Time and time again whether it be through snow storms, tragedies, or miracles, G-d shows the world that it is He and He alone that runs the world.

May we merit to appreciate all that G-d does for us. May we enjoy G-d's infinite mercy and be spared from any painful decree.