Tefillah Tips - Ashrei III

"Ashrei Ha'am Shekacha Lo Ashrei Haam She- Hashem Elokav - Happy/fortunate is the nation for whom this is so, Fortunate is the nation that has Hashem as their G-d." Interestingly, this verse is also not from the same psalm as the rest of the prayer. It is the last Pasuk in Psalm 144. Why then is it inserted at this point? It is explained that with the addition of this verse the word Ashrei is then mentioned three times demonstrating that we say the Ashrei prayer three times a day (as mentioned in an earlier Tefilla Tip).

"Fortunate is the nation for whom this is so..." What exactly is the "this is so?"

The Etz Yosef explains that this is referring to the previous verse in the prayer, i.e. we are fortunate that we are able to be Yoshvei Veytecha - those that may dwell in G-d's house. He also writes that "We are fortunate that to have Hashem as our G-d" refers to the fact that the Jewish people are intertwined with G-d, i.e. that even our name Israel is graced with a name of G-d, E-L.

The Gaon of Vilna advances a different idea to interpret the verse. He states that since the Gematria / numerical equivalent of the Hebrew word SheKacha equals 345 (Shin = 300, Kaf = 20, Kaf = 20, Hey = 5), which is the same Gematria as the Hebrew word of our Teacher Moses (Mem = 40, Shin = 300, Hey = 5), the implication of the verse at hand is that we are thankful for our leaders from the time of Moses and Mt. Sinai until today.

The Radak at the end of Psalm 144 explains the latter part of the verse in its most simple form. "Ashrei Haam She- Hashem Elokav - Fortunate is the nation that has Hashem as their G-d" states clearly that we the Jewish people should feel happy, fortunate, and privileged that Hashem is our G-d. He is our Source; He is the cause of all blessing and success for everyone and everything on this earth.

It is the combination of all three approaches to this verse that provides us with a richer understanding of this prayer. Ashrei - Fortunate are those who have such a beautiful liturgy to approach G-d. Fortunate are those who understand the prayers they are reciting.