Tefillah Tips - Ashrei VII

"Dor Ledor Yishabach Maasecha Ugevuratecha Yomairu - Generation to generation they will praise your works, and Your mighty acts they will relate."

From generation to generation is an often-used phrase to showcase the need for Jewish awareness and continuity. The question is - what exactly should we be transmitting from generation to generation? Gefilte fish and Chicken soup recipes are great, but I'm certain King David had a lot more in mind.

If we take a close look at the verse we will notice the use of two different verbs and two different objects. The first part of the verse says Yishabach - they will praise; the second part states Yomairu they will relate. The first part reads Maasecha- your works; the second part reads Ugevuratecha-Your mighty acts. What is the difference between praising and relating; and what is the difference between G-d's works and mighty deeds?

The Vilna Gaon explains that praising is something we do referring to something specific that we understand - as opposed to relating which means sharing experiences with another even though we may not understand it at all. Rav A. Miller remarks that Your works represents the sun, the moon, and the stars and all constant features of the universe - Your mighty acts is defined as grand miracles that supercede nature and demonstrate the greatness of the Creator.

Now the verse makes a lot of sense. From generation to generation they will praise Your works because they will study them and understand the depths of Your creation. (They don�t need to relate it to one another because it is right there up in the sky.) They will relate to one another the supernatural miracles because that is all one can do. We can only describe and relate The splitting of the sea, The falling of the Manna, The Ten Plagues... because they defy logic and nature.

This is what we need to share with our children and grandchildren i.e. the greatness of G-d's universe and everything He created within it, as well as the unbelievable miracles that have occurred throughout the ages. More than the Gefilte fish and the Chicken soup this recipe will last forever.