Tefillah Tips - Ashrei VIII

The next verse in the acrostic psalm of Ashrei is "Hadar Kevod Hodecha Vedivreu Nifliotecha Asicha - The splendorous glory of Your power and Your wondrous deeds I shall discuss". Whereas the first two verses of the Psalm are in first person, and the second two verses are in third person, the fifth verse returns to the first person- Asicha - I will discuss.

The commentators explain that Hadar - glory/beauty - refers to outer beauty; and Hod refers to inner beauty. Therefore the implication of the first phrase is that the surface beauty of G-d's world indicates its inner beauty as well. As if to say -if it looks this good on the outside, the inside must be equally if not more filled with intricate beauty.

Nifliotecha implies G-d's wonders that are supernatural. In the back half of the verse King David claims that he speaks often and effortlessly of G-d's miracles. The root word "Sicha", is translated by the Malbim to mean ones innermost thoughts expressed without forethought. This means to say that since King David is so imbued with love and awe of the Creator and His handiwork, he speaks of them all day long. It just rolls right off of his tongue.

This idea of effortless expression comes about when one internalizes to some degree G-d's all-powerful greatness, which defies time and space. It is through the study and recognition of G-d's historical, present, and future impact on His world that leads to noticing, appreciating, and in turn expressing the wonder of His deeds and qualities.

This lesson is hinted to in the opening line of the Amida "Elokaynu Vaylokay Avotaynu Elokay Avraham, Yitzchak, Veyaakov - Blessed are You G-d, Our G-d, and the G-d of our fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob" Why is it important for us to mention that G-d is Our G-d? If He is the G-d of our fathers, isn't He most certainly our G-d as well?!! The answer is of course; nevertheless, we have an opportunity as well as an obligation to not only rely on the G-d we meet in the Torah through our forefathers, we must experience G-d and His handiwork ourselves. Through every sunrise, sunset, and rainbow G-d is revealing an inkling of His creative strength. When we see with or eyes, smell with our noses, hear with our ears, and taste with our tongues G-d is sharing His gifts with us.

Let us take better note of the glory and beauty of G-d's world. Let us enjoy the blessings that G-d has bestowed upon is and all inhabitants of His earth. We then will also be able to speak more effortlessly of G-d's greatness - Vidivray Nifliotecha Asicha.