Tefillah Tips - Ashrei XII

"Tov Hashem Lakol Verachamav al Kol Maasav - G-d is good unto all and provides mercy unto all of his creatures." In the Siddur Otzar Hastefillos it is written that the entire psalm of Ashrei is worth reciting just for this verse. The meanings, implications, and lessons of this verse are of such profundity that it stands out amidst the other verses of the acrostic.

The first part of the verse Tov Hashem Lakol can be understood as humanity; while the second part includes all other forms of life in G-d's world. "Verachamav al Kol Maasav" means even amoeba, salamanders, and rodents.

The strength of the verse is not limited to the wide scope of G-d's care and involvement in every dimension of the creation, but rather to the all inclusiveness of His goodness even to those that rebel and contradict His will.

Tov Hashem Lakol - Hashem is intrinsically and all powerfully good unto all. G-d does not discriminate. All mankind enjoy the same sun, moon, stars, and rainbows; as well as divine mercy, care, and protection ( if they merit it). Everyone (including non-Jews) has the right and obligation to adhere to the laws contained in the Torah (some 7 and some 613).

What a lesson! How different a world we would live in if we His children would learn from and follow His example and be good unto all. The underlying idea here is that ones display of goodness should be dependent on from whom it emanates and not on he/she that receive it. It is because G-d embodies and exhibits absolute kindliness that all creatures - human and animal, loyal servants and despised enemies all benefit from His world

As we count our way through the Omer and reach for the Torah at Mt. Sinai, may we merit to emulate Hashem and demonstrate genuine goodness to all those around us not due to who they are, but rather to who we are and what we can and should be.