Tefillah Tips - Ashrei XIII

The verse that we will examine now is, "Kevod Malchutcha Yomayru Ugevuratcha Yidabeyru - The honor of Your kingdom they will speak of, and of Your strength they will tell."

An approach to the verse is advanced by the Etz Yosef - the first phrase Kevod Malchutcha Yomayru - refers to our inclusion of Malchut - G-d's sovereignty in this world when we make blessings. The Talmud teaches that any blessing that does not contain mention of G-d's sovereignty is not considered a blessing. And the second phrase Ugevuratcha Yidabeyru refers to everyday speech that people enjoy with each other. In essence, King David states that acknowledgement and appreciation of G-d, His kindness and power will be expressed in prayer as well as in our interactions with others.

The Vilna Gaon zt"l as well As Rav Miller zt"l remark that the two parts of the Pasuk reflect A) G-dliness in nature as well as B) G-d's performance of miracles. Kevod Malchutcha Yomayru - they will speak of Your wonders, glory, and richness of the Creation i.e. the consistency, the depth, the beauty, and the complexity of the world that we live in. Rav Miller writes that as opposed to miracles, nature needs to be explained and examined in order for one to understand its greatness. Ugevuratcha Yidabeyru - and of Your strength they will tell. The word Yidabeyru means to tell strongly. The implication is that the wonders and open miracles of G-d's world speak strongly on their own and do not need explanation.

Both nature and miracles are tools to instill and strengthen Emunah - faith - in the Creator of the world-Hashem. The Talmud is replete with examples, lessons, and directives regarding the appreciation of nature.

Now that spring has arrived, our walks in the park, drives in the country, and even looking out the window may be accompanied with gratitude and love for the Creator who has benevolently provided the world around us -"Kevod Malchutcha Yomayru Ugevuratcha Yidabeyru".