Geneivat Daat: Misleading Others

The Torah describes Yaakov as: "ויגנב יעקב את לב לבן הארמי על בלתי הגיד לו כי בורח הוא" - stealing his "heart" which Chazal refer to as גניבת דעת. The example given is telling someone you'd love to host them for a meal without intending on ever having them over.

Selling something at cost but giving the impression they're getting higher-quality merchandise.

In some of the cases the Gemara says you have to tell them everything, in other cases the Gemara says, the person who reads the advertisement is only "fooling himself".

What are the limits of advertising? At what point do you say caveat emptor, the buyer is "fooling himself"?

If a person makes their own assumptions, are you obligated to tell them otherwise?

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Delivered at the OU Israel Center, November 21st, 2018, 13 Kislev 5779