Tefillah Tips - Ashrei XIX

"Tzaddik Hasham Bechol Derachav Vechasid Becholk Maasav - Hashem is just in all ways and kindly in all deeds."

The Etz Yosef explains that this verse demonstrates that G-dly interaction with humanity is based directly on the behavior of each individual person. There are people who presently walk in the ways of the Torah correctly, and Hashem rewards them according to their deeds - Tzaddik Hashem. There are others who do not yet live up to their potential. G-d decrees for the underachievers genuine kindness even if they are not yet deserving of it - Chassid Hashem.

Rav A. Miller explains differently - that this verse is speaking of G-d. It reflects G-d's overwhelming kindness to His creation. Is it not enough there is food in the world, it should taste great too?! And the eating process should be a pleasurable one?! The fact is that the functions of life have been prepared for us with graciousness, kindliness, and mercy. This is what is meant "G-d is just/kind in ways and deeds."

Human life has been endowed with pleasant methods for survival. May we all merit to receive G-d's righteousness and kindliness.