Tefillah Tips - Ashrei XXI

"Ritzon Yerayav Yaaseh, Ve'et Shavasam Yishma Veyoshiyaim - He will do the will of those that fear Him, and from their cries He will hear and provide salvation."

The Ibn Ezra remarks that unlike an earthly king that merely spares a loyal subject from harm, G-d, the King of Kings actually fulfills the desire and will of his loyal servants.

The Etz Yosef comments on the verse stating "we see from here that G-d would fulfill the will of the righteous anyway, but He does not because He covets the prayers of the righteous." This reflects the Talmudic passage that asks, "Why were our Matriarchs barren?" The answer stated is that Hashem covets the prayers of the righteous.

At first glance this seems astounding?! Are we to believe that our holy Matriarchs had to undergo decades of suffering simply because G-d wanted to hear their prayers?

It is obvious to all that the loving and benevolent Creator would not inflict harm and suffering on His children because He enjoys listening to their prayers. It rather should be understood that the nation of Israel could have only been born unto the Matriarchs through the execution of heart-filled prayer and supplication. The Talmud therefore explains that each of the Matriarchs were granted the challenge of being barren to inspire Kavannah / deep fervor and intent that would in turn help build the nation of Israel.

Each of us is faced with challenges every day. Let us learn from the example of our Matriarchs and turn to G-d in prayer. We have a Biblical verse to support us "Ritzon Yerayav Yaaseh, Vet Shavasam Yishma Veyoshiyaim - He will do the will of those that fear Him, and from their cries He will provide salvation."