Tefillah Tips - Ashrei XXIII

"Tehillas Hashem Yedaber Pi Veevarech Kol Basar Shem Kadsho Leolam Vaed - May my mouth declare the praise of Hashem and may all flesh bless His Holy name forever and ever.."

The Etz Yosef notes that the future tense of Yedaber seems incorrect. Since this is the conclusion of Psalm 145 / The Ashrei, the verse perhaps should have read Deebair Pi, that my voice has spoken (in past tense). The Etz Yosef explains that the implicit message of the usage of future tense is that no matter how much a human being praises the Creator it does not begin to scratch the surface of how much G-d should be praised (in quality and in quantity) . As we note often, man is finite and Hashem is infinite. Our finite praise is the best we can do, but not ultimately fitting for the King of Kings, the Holy One Blessed Be He.

Rav Schwab zt"l explains that this final verse provides a picture of what the future looks like. It depicts a time when Jews and non-Jews alike will praise the true G-d not just "Pi" my mouth says King David, but Kol Basar, all flesh will join in as well.

Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l points out that the usage of the word flesh in the verse reminds us that our ability to praise Hashem and do anything productive in this world is limited to the days and years we are awarded on G-d's earth. All the while that our souls are covered with living flesh the opportunity still exists to achieve, succeed, and grow. Throughout our youth and beyond we generally feel invincible and do not look too far into the future. King David reminds us that our mortality is always worth remembering.

May we merit seeing King David's vision become a reality in our days. May we see the Jewish people and the world generally return towards the Creator, fulfill His Mitzvoth, and merit to see the rebuilding of Zion and Jerusalem.