Tefillah Tips - Ashrei XXIV

"VaAnachnu Nevarach Kah Meyataoh Vead Olam Halelukah - That we shall bless G-d from now until eternity, Praise G-d." This is the final verse of the Ashrei prayer. It is not however the end of Psalm 145. Psalm 145 concluded in the previous verse. This is the final verse of Psalm 115. Why was the liturgy orchestrated this way? Why is the verse above the best way to conclude the Ashrei prayer?

The Etz Yosef writes that in contrast to the previous verse that refers to the Messianic Era in which G-d will be fully recognized and praised continuously and forever, this final statement mandates our immediate aim of relating to and praising Hashem today as well. Therefore the name of G-d mentioned in this verse is "Kah, the name that reflects G-d's clandestine nature in this world as opposed to Y-H-V-H that symbolizes G-d in all of His glory. Therefore we conclude - "VaAnachnu Nevarach Kah" - We will bless Kah starting today, Meyataoh Vead Olam Halelukah and proceed to greater times and greater praise in the future.

Rav Amram Gaon offers an additional insight why this verse is transported to Ashrei. He writes that since Psalm 145 begins with Tehilla LeDovid and all of the subsequent Hallelukahs begin and end with Hallelu-ah therefore Ashrei must conclude with a Hallelu-ah as well. This additional Hallelu-ah connects the prayers from the beginning of Ashrei all through the Pesukai Dezimra section of Shacharit.

Besides establishing poetry and symmetry, the connection reflects a timely Jewish philosophy lesson as well. Just as all of our praises are one long chain connecting one to the other, so too in G-d's world all of the events in our past history and in our future destiny (let alone our present) are connected one to another. Although we tend to view life's events and world events as individual happenings and occasions both positive and negative, that may seem random and even unrelated, we believe that Hashem, The King of all Kings guides and directs His world, in ways that we may not understand for the ultimate benefit of His creation.