Tefillah Tips - Halleluy-ah Halleli Nafshi V – FOREVER

Yimloch Hashem Leolam Elokayich Zion Ledor Vador Hallelukah – Hashem will reign forever, He that is the G-d of Zion, from generation to generation Hallelukah.

This is not only the final verse in Psalm 146, it is also the concluding statement we recite every time we chant the Kedushah – A highlight of our communal prayer service where we sanctify G-d’s name in unison reflecting the angels in heaven during the morning and afternoon prayers. Therefore, it must contain ideas that are central to Jewish thought and Jewish life.

Idea #1 Have you ever been frustrated when you knew an important fact to be true, but your friends, colleagues or others just did not believe you? No matter how many times you explain it, the gang just would not accept your thought or idea as true – But you are certain that it is true beyond the shadow of a doubt. – That is the first idea here - Yimloch Hashem Leolam – Hashem is king forever! From the beginning of time until the end of time, whether the world recognizes it or not – from generation to generation - Yimloch Hashem Leolam.

Idea #2 The centrality of Zion – Jerusalem and Israel as the palace of our King, a holy city that is associated completely with G-d. There is a famous passage in the Talmud that asks, Why aren’t the hot springs of Tiberias located in Jerusalem? Think about it – there are no rivers, lakes, beaches or natural tourist sights in Jerusalem – why not?! The Talmud answers – because when the Jews go to Jerusalem they are coming to visit G-d – that’s it – touring can be in Natanya, Tiberias….. G-d is referred to as Elokayich Zion – G-d of Zion.

As we begin the month of Nissan, the month of miracles for the Jewish people, may we see the prayer above realized in front of our eyes for the entire world to see-

Yimloch Hashem Leolam Elokayich Zion Ledor Vador Hallelukah – Hashem will reign forever, He that is the G-d of Zion, from generation to generation Hallelukah.

Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Ephraim Epstein