Tefillah Tips - Ki Tov

Hallelu-kah Ki Tov Zamrah Elokaynu Ki Naim Naavah Tehillah – Hallelujah! for it is good to sing to Hashem because it is pleasant when praise is fitting.

This Psalm reflects the time of the Messianic Era.

Rav Miller zt”l states that King David is not merely saying that it is a good thing to do when you praise G-d. There are many good things to do in this world. Exercise, kindness, sharing wise counsel…. these are all good things to do. King David is teaching us that there is really only one thing to do in all of life. Everything we do from our thoughts, prayers, actions and pursuits are either praising Hashem or not. King Davis says it is intrinsically Good to praise G-d.

Rav Miller explains why this is so. 1. Praising G-d and expressing appreciation and gratitude for all the good we are blessed with brings happiness to our lives. A thankful person is a happy and fulfilled person.

2. Praising G-d is a genuine expression of unadulterated truth. It is truly amazing that the prayers penned by King David and the Men of the Great Assembly thousands of years ago are more relevant then the front pages of our newspapers.

Rav Schwab zt”l teaches a different insight into this verse. It is good to sing to Hashem because it is pleasant when praise is fitting – means that throughout the millennia of the exile we have praised G-d despite not being able to always see His providence clearly. In the times of Messiah, life will indeed make sense and all of our confusion and discomfort will be eased. Since this psalm is referring to the Messianic era, it states- Ki Naim Naavah Tehillah- it is pleasant when praise is fitting.

May all of our prayers be answered. Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein rabbiepstein@sonsisrael.com