Tefillah Tips - Hallelukah Ki Tov – 9

Lo Begvrat Hasus Yechpatz Lo Beshokei Haish Yirtzeh, Rotzeh Hashem ET Yerayav, ET Hamayachalim Lechasdo –

Since the word ROTZEH may be translated as WANTS or SHOWS FAVOR – the verse is understood two ways.

1. G-d shows no more favor to the mighty horse or to the crown of creation, Man then to any other living beings. G-d takes delight in those that are in awe of Him and those that hope unto him.

2. G-d does not want us to feel protected by the strength of infantry horses and the mighty thighs of the soldiers that ride them. G-d wants us to demonstrate awe and hope unto Him.

Both explanations convey the same clear and poignant message. When you pray, focus and pray to G-d alone.

Is it not uncomfortable when speaking to another and realizing that he/she is not paying full attention to you? Maybe she is on the computer or texting while she is speaking… Her mind is on something more compelling altogether. If it is disconcerting for you and me to feel only partially attended to, how much more so is it wrong to approach G-d in this half hearted way.

Rotzeh Hashem ET Yerayav, ET Hamayachalim Lechasdo – G-d wants our attention, our hope and our sense of awe. This is what he favors, this is our task and this is prayer.

Rabbi Ephraim Epstein