Tefillah Tips - Hallelukah Ki Tov – 10

Shabchi Yerushalayim Et Hashem Halleli Elokayich Tzion. Ki Chizak Berichay Shearayich, Bayrach Banayich Bekirbaych. Oh Jerusalem praise unto Hashem; and Zion extol your G-d because He has strengthened the bars of your gates and blessed your children within your midst.

The commentators explain that this verse is referring to the people of Jerusalem and the people of Zion. We are taught that in the Messianic era Jerusalem will expand dramatically in size; and Zion refers to the site of the Beit Hamikdash / The Holy Temple.

King David writes that the citizens of Jerusalem will hope and praise Hashem in gratitude for the peaceful and spiritual lives they enjoy. Since in Zion G-d’s presence is most evident, the dwellers of Zion will not just praise but Halleli – they will cry out with joy in recognition of G-d’s presence.

What is the reason for these praises and expressions of joy?

Ki Chizak Berichay Shearayich, Bayrach Banayich Bekirbaych – because of the security felt in the home.

Although in our time, security in Israel is threatened daily by terrorism, rockets and evil rhetoric, we look forward to the Messianic Era when we will feel true protection and security from Hashem above. It is not the locks, barriers and walls that provide security; it is the shelter of G-d.

Bayrach Banayich Bekirbaych – literally translated - where G-d blesses your children. At that time, we will be blessed with a multitude of children that will bring peace not through might, rather through their learning of Torah and performance of Mitzvoth.

May the words of King David be fulfilled in our days.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein