Tefillah Tips - Hallelukah Ki Tov – 11

Hasam Gevulech Shalom Chelev Chitim Yasbiyaych – G-d shall put peace at your borders, and satiate you with the fullness of the wheat.

The verses seem quite relevant in the afterglow of the Israeli elections where the issues of the day are again security as well as prosperity. Every Israeli has been voting and praying for peace and prosperity; the party platforms differ only about how to achieve these two goals. Last go round the leftists had the reigns, now the right wing will have their chance.

Rav Miller zt”l aptly points out that during times of war and instability people look up to the heavens and cry out for help and salvation. Yet during times of calm and vitality, people do not recognize the handiwork of G-d as frequently or fervently. As the saying goes – “There are no atheists in foxholes or hospitals”. The challenge in life is to maintain the heightened connection to G-d accomplished during the times of intensity during everyday existence.

King David remarks that true and lasting prosperity as well as bountiful wealth will surely come in the days of Moshiach / Messiah. At that time, we will not turn away from G-d, rather we will express thanksgiving, praise and appreciation.

May it happen soon in our day.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein