Tefillah Tips - Hallelukah Ki Tov – 12

Hashlayach Imrato Aretz, Ahd Mehayrah Yarutz Devaro – G-d sends forth His message unto earth, the word arrives with alacrity.

Some commentators explain this verse as referring to G-d’s decree for rain to fall, others state that it is referring to Torah – literally the word of G-d.

Rav Miller zt”l advances that when we see rain falling down the gutters if our homes, we should realize it is not simply the confluence of wind and humidity that bring forth rain, rather Hashlayach Imrato Aretz - It is the decree of Hashem that orchestrates the rain.

Rav Schwab zt”l states that this refers to an idea mentioned in Isaiah 51:4 – that when the Messiah comes the world will understand Torah much better then before. The whole world will be seen in light of the new understanding of Torah.

Several times in our Tefillot – G-d’s word is referred to as either Imrah or Dibbur. What is the difference between G-d’s Imrah and G-d’s Dibbur? We say it every Friday night - Magen Avot Bidvaro, Mechayeh Mayti m Bemamaro……..

I heard in the name of Rav Moshe Shapiro shlitta – that Imrato refers to G-d’s Divine supernatural expression on its own – and Devaro refers to G-d’s giving to His world. So Magen Avot – the protection of our forefathers is Bedvaro – with His Davar; but Mechayeh Maysim – the resurrection of the dead is Bemamaro –G-d’s singular Divine expression. This also explains the blessing Shehakol Nihiyeh Bidvaro – Everything came into being (tour world) Bedvaro.

Let’s learn from the language of the verse and blessing to pay close attention to the gifts bestowed upon this world – and from whom they come.