Tefillah Tips - Hallelukah Ki Tov – 13

Hanotein Sheleg Katzemer, Kfor Kaeyfer Yifazer Mashlich Karcho Kfitim Lifnei Karato Mi Yaamod - G-d places the snow upon the earth like wool, He spreads forth frost like ashes and He throws down ice in little pieces (of hail) – who could withstand His cold?

The poetry and depth of insight is often missed in Tefillah / prayer because we do not study the words carefully. The metaphors are vivid, alive and engaging. The snow is like wool and the frost is like ashes….

Rav Miller zt”l explains that snow is better for land, especially for mountains then rain. This is so because snow remains present and hugs the grounds like a sweater to our bodies as opposed to rain that slithers away.

Rav Schwab zt”l points out that if the snow, frost and ice did not descend precisely, the earth and its inhabitants would be destroyed. If large glaciers would fall from the heavens, who could survive? Lifnei Karato Mi Yaamod- who could withstand His cold?

Rav Miller zt”l also remarks that the cold seasons not only protect the land from overuse, but encourage the family to unite and grow together. During the planting, sowing and harvesting seasons who has time to nurture relationships? During the winter, the offseason – families may enjoy long wintery nights together studying Torah and engaging one another in harmony.

When the Moshiach arrives, the whole world will see with clarity how G-d divinely coordinates every ingredient of nature to benefit us and the entire Creation.

*Assignment: This week try to on your own notice different facets and features of the world around us and consider how they play an important role in G-d’s world. I will select a thought or two from the readers and present them in the future.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein