Tefillah Tips - Az Yashir VII

"Yemincha Hashem Nedari Bakoach, Yemincha Hashem Tiratz Oyaiv - Your right hand is glorified by strength."

After reading this poetic verse one may ponder the following questions.

#1: Why are two right hands (so to speak) used by the Creator? #2: Why does the verse simply state an enemy and not your enemy or The Egyptians? And finally #3: Why is shall crush in the future tense; it should be in the past tense or in the present tense?

The Etz Yosef explains the double usage of the right hand. He writes that as opposed to mankind that utilizes different dimensions of his character and personality to express anger, love, and joy, for G-d it is all the same dimension. Therefore, it is with the same powerful right hand that G-d glorifies His loved ones that He destroys the wicked as well.

Rav Miller zt"l answers the next two questions by explaining that our verse refers to future times in addition to the present. One of the themes contained within the Az Yashir is that not only did Moshe, Miriam, and Nachshon ben Aminadav experience deliverance from our age old enemies, but throughout world history - Your right hand shall crush an enemy. An enemy implies any enemy in history that will rise up against us.