Tefillah Tips - Az Yashir VIII

"U'berov Gaoncha Taharos Kamecha Tishalach Charoncha Yochlaymu Kakash- And in the Magnitude of Your greatness, You overthrow those that rise up against You, You send forth Your wrath and consume them like straw/stubble."

This verse reflects the opening verse of the song "Ashira LaHashem Ki Gaoh Gaah - I sing to you G-d that is so great." Yet there are several new insights to be gleaned by the new language.

Rav Miller zt"l explains the word Taharos - You overthrow, implies a sudden and powerful destruction. There are many times in Tanach that G-d decides to restrain His anger and / or mete out punishment slowly. In this case, the incredible suddenness of the rising of the waves higher and higher was an integral part of the grandeur of the miracle.

The usage of the metaphor "Yochlaymu Kakash" consumed like straw is noteworthy. We have already mentioned in an earlier Tefilla Tip that the three times it mentions the Egyptians drowning represent three different levels of punishments G-d sent upon the Egyptians. An additional idea regarding "like straw" is how combustible straw is and how simple it is to destroy. This implies how easy it is for the Master of the Universe to obliterate His/our foes.

The final point advanced by the Etz Yosef is the seemingly awkward usage of the future tense in the verse - Tishalach Charoncha Yochlaymu Kakash - You (will) send forth Your wrath and (will) consume them like straw/stubble. The lesson implied is that not only has G-d miraculously sustained our nation against the mighty Egyptians, but He will protect Israel against all future enemies as well.

As the nation of Israel faces battle with our enemies every day in the land of Israel, may we see soon the fulfillment of this verse - a swift and powerful defeat of all those that rise against us, and a rebuilt Jerusalem and return unto Zion.