Tefillah Tips - Az Yashir IX

"U'be'ruach Apecha Neermu Mayim, Nitzvu Kimo Neyd Nozlim, Amar Oyayv Erdof Aseeg Achaleik Shalal Timla'aymo Nafshi Arik Charbi Torishaymo Yadi - And by the wind of Your nostrils the waters were heaped up - flowing waters then stood up and were solidified in the heart of the sea. The enemy stated I shall pursue, overtake, and divide the spoils; I shall draw my sword and destroy."

These verses describe the moment that the raging waters of the Yam Suf miraculously rose to form walls of water and dry land in order that the Jewish people should effortlessly walk through. The Midrash is filled with details highlighting the multifaceted handiwork of G-d at this watershed moment in world history

It is interesting to analyze the Egyptian experience at the Red Sea. The words of the prayer show clearly the deep and evil hatred that our enemy possesses for us. It is not enough to pursue, overtake, and loot the Israelites; the ultimate satisfaction will only come through their demise. Pharaoh like all of our enemies wants to destroy us.

The Ramban mentions in his commentary how incredibly foolish the Egyptians were to follow the Israelites into the Sea. When Pharaoh and his soldiers witnessed firsthand the unparalleled Splitting of the Sea, a miracle of miracles, how did they have the audacity to continue into the sea? It certainly would have been logical to consider that the same G-d that has saved His people may destroy their enemy in the return flow of the ocean waves? Their hearts were so hardened that they marched towards their death into the depths.

May Hashem provide strength to His nation and protection from all of their enemies.