Tefillah Tips - Az Yashir X

"Mi Chamocha Baeylim Hashem, Mi Kamocha Needar Bakodesh Norah Tehiloth Oseh Phelleh - Who is like You among the gods, who is like you glorified in holiness and fearsome in praise and does wonders."

This is not only recited in Az Yashir, but also as the opening verses before we daven our private Amidah in the morning. Why should these verses specifically be chosen as the opening words to our private encounter with the Almighty?

The final words, Norah Tehiloth Oseh Phelleh - fearsome in praise and does wonders requires further clarification. Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l points out that the word Phelleh means a mysterious wonders. This implies that the ways of G-d are awesome but clearly beyond our comprehension.

Despite the incredible miracles experienced by our ancestors during the year of the ten plagues and the splitting of the Red Sea, it did not wash away the pain, sadness, and persecution they experienced in their two centuries of exile. However when our forefathers stood after the crossing of the split Red Sea and saw the Divine Providence in all of its glory they cried out "Mi Chamocha Baeylim Hashem, Mi Kamocha Needar Bakodesh Norah Tehiloth Oseh Phelleh - Who is like You among the gods, who is like you glorified in holiness and fearsome in praise and does wonders." They understood that you cannot and will not fathom the ways of G-d, but the ways of G-d are true.

It is with these thoughts that we approach G-d each morning in the Amidah. We understand that there is much we will never understand; nevertheless we call upon, praise and thank Hashem for his Divine and eternal benevolence each and every time we pray.