Toldos 5779

Why are we told here (via Rashi) that Yitzchak looked identical to Avraham rather than when he was born - even after he was born Yishmael was claiming Yitzchak wasn't Avraham's son (according to the Seforno).

Yishmael's primary crime according to the Seforno was his attempt to delegitimize Yitzchak as Avraham's son.

The Gra on the difference between the words אולי and פן.

Esav sold his birthright at age 15, he is now 63, why did it never occur to him until now that Yaakov got the better deal?

Beit HaLevi on the connection between the two goats Yaakov brought to Yitzchak and the two goats of Yom Kippur and Yaakov's reluctance to get the brachot.

Shem MiShmuel on the connection between Esav not getting the brachot and his marrying into the family of Yishmael.