Tefillah Tips - Az Yashir XVII

"Vehaya Hashem Lamelech Al Kol Haaretz Bayom Hahu Yihiyeh Hashem Echad Ushemo Echad - And It will be that Hashem is King of all the earth. On that day G-d will be one and His name will be one."

This last verse of Az Yashir is from the book of Zechariah 14:9 which is also the verse found at the conclusion of Aleynu.

The Radak in Navi explains that once the nations of the world that come to war against Jerusalem will see the grand miracles supporting the nation of Israel they will proclaim, "Vehaya Hashem Lamelech Al Kol Haaretz - Hashem is King of all the earth."

What does it mean that G-d will be one and His name will be one? The Etz Yosef explains that currently the way we write G-d's name and the way we pronounce it are different. In the time of Moshiach they will be exactly the same. We will again hear clearly the ineffable name of G-d pronounced in the Beit Hamikdash - Holy Temple. It is a time when our dreams and reality will unite.

The Etz Yosef also remarks that there will be an additional experience of One. At the time of Moshiach all the souls of all the ages will gather together as one in order to proclaim the oneness of the One G-d of the world. This concludes the section of the Siddur entitled Pesukei Dezimra (Verses of Praise) The Siddur continues with the concluding blessing of Yishtabach.

May we merit seeing the words of the prophet Zechariah fulfilled. May we see the unity of our people express the Oneness of the Creator soon in our days.