1,236. Before and After Rosh Chodesh Nisan

Shekalim 4:11

Starting from Rosh Chodesh Nisan, communal offerings are purchased using the new collection of half-shekels. If the new collection has not yet arrived, money from the previous year may be used. Therefore, animals designated for daily offerings that were bought using money from the previous year should be redeemed and used for mundane purposes when Rosh Chodesh Nisan arrives. This is so even though these animals are not blemished. The proceeds from selling these animals are put in the funds of the previous year that are used to buy “summer fruits of the altar” (see halacha 4:9). This is allowed because the court stipulated that unneeded animals that were purchased for daily offerings could be redeemed and used for mundane purposes.

Shekalim 4:12

After Rosh Chodesh Nisan, the following protocol was observed regarding the remainder of the incense. They would transfer the sanctity of the incense to the craftsmen’s wages. The money was used for “summer fruits of the altar” and the craftsmen would take the remaining incense as their pay. They would then buy the incense back from the craftsmen using money from the new collection of half-shekels. If the money from the new collection has not yet arrived, they would offer incense that was purchased using money from the previous year.