1,230. Money Found Between Chests

Shekalim 3:14

If money is found in between the chest in which the half-shekels were deposited and the chest in which donations for burnt offerings were deposited, they are assumed to belong to whichever chest is closer. If the money is equidistant between the two chests, it is given to the donations for burnt offerings. This is because these funds are used exclusively for burnt offerings while the half-shekels are used both for burnt offerings and for other things.

Shekalim 3:15

Similarly, any money that is found between chests is assigned to whichever chest is closest. When money lies equidistant between two chests: if it’s between the chest with money that is earmarked for firewood and the chest with money earmarked for frankincense, it should be used for frankincense; if between the chest for buying pairs of birds and the chest for buying birds for burnt offerings, it should be used for burnt offerings. The general rule is that we always assign money to the closest chest, and if money is found equidistant between chests, we assign it to the chest whose funds are used for the more stringent thing. Any money found on the Temple Mount is assumed to be unsanctified. This is because the Temple treasurer does not take any money out of the treasury until he transfers its sanctity to the animals that he buys for the sacrifices.