Tefillah Tips - Hamshubach Vehamfoar

The King who was elevated alone from then, that is praised and glorified forever.

This first part of the verse is similar in content to the opening lines of Adon Olam-You are the Master of the World that ruled before anything was created.

Our sources teach us that the proper kavanah / intent for uttering the name Y-H-V-H Is that G-d is Master of the Universe from the beginning of time, presently and for all eternity.

The 2nd part of the verse is explained by the Etz Yosef to mean that “with every passing day and new development in G-d’s world, there are billions of new reasons to praise and appreciate Him”.

To think that the sun has been shining since the 4th day of Creation until today is incredible! It tickles me when our scientists announce an upcoming eclipse and masses prepare their equipment in order to observe this unique natural phenomenon. In my humble opinion, nature is much more of a miracle then a miracle itself. The fact that the sun reliably rises and sets each day of the year, the moon travels its orbit obediently and the vast amounts of stars, planets and galaxies exist in space is breathtaking when considered. G- d has created an incredible world for us! It is up to us to notice and appreciate it.

I recently learned that the British scientist that has just split the genome remarked, “I have seen the handiwork of G-d”. When Thomas Edison finished one of his inventions he remarked, “Look what G-d hath wrought!”

One of the functions of prayer is for us to become sensitive to these matters and accustomed to noticing G-d and G-dlines in the world. There is so much to notice, to see, to appreciate and to praise Hashem for if we would only wear the correct spiritual glasses and learn to view life in this fashion. It’s not just what you see, it’d how you see it.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein