1,225. Do Brothers or Partners Pay the Kolbon?

Shekalim 3:4

Brothers who have not yet divided their father’s estate are not required to pay the additional fee (kolbon). The same is true of two partners who jointly donate a whole shekel. This applies when the partners have already conducted business with their joint funds; if the partners have only pooled their money but they have not yet exchanged or spent the funds, then they are required to pay the kolbon. If they concluded their original business and divided the proceeds, after which they entered into a new partnership, they must pay the kolbon until such time as they conduct business using the money of their new partnership agreement.

Shekalim 3:5

If brothers or partners jointly own an animal and money, and they divide the money, they are required to pay the kolbon even though they have not yet divided the animal. However, if they divided the animal but have not yet divided the money, they are not required to pay the kolbon until they do so. We do not consider the money as being divided imminently.