Tefillah Tips - Hameir Laaretz 8

Hameir Laaretz 8

“Umashmiim Biyirah Yachad Bkol Divrei Elokim Chaim Umelech Olam – And in fear, the angels proclaim together the words of Hashem, the King of the world.”

The Etz Yosef remarks that the way we relate to another person is the opposite of the way we relate to G-d. How so? In human relations – the closer you feel to another and the more familiar you are with him/her, and the more comfortable you are in their company. Whether it is your boss, your rabbi or a head of state – the more you get to know them, the more at ease you feel. On the other hand- The more one knows and understands about Hashem – the more in awe one becomes. Therefore the angels in heaven proclaim praise of G-d in a state of awe because of how clearly they perceive the majesty of G-d.

Rav Miller zt”l points out the usage of the word – Umashmiim- which means proclaiming in a way that they will be heard. It is not enough that the angels praise G-d, but their praise must be known and emulated by mankind.

We have much to learn from the angels above how to daven and sing praise to Hashem. Our individual prayers as well as our communal prayers must be filled with awe and inspiration. One of the best ways to achieve a prayerful moment is to daven in unison. Our sages also tell us, “Berov Am Hadras Melech – The larger the congregation, the more honor is brought to the King”. There is nothing more inspirational than hundreds of people singing prayerfully in perfect harmony to Hashem above.

This Shabbat when the angels arrive at our tables to listen to Shalom Aleichem; and on Shabbat morning when we read of the angels that sing perfect praise to G-d – let’s learn from them, emulate them and achieve greatness like them – which is really why we daven/pray at all.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein