Tefillah Tips - Hameir Laaretz 11

Kadosh, Kadosh Kadosh Hashem TZevakos Meloh Chol Haaretz Kvodo – Holy, Holy Holy is the G-d of Hosts that fills the entire world with His honor.

This is one of the most well known verses in Jewish liturgy. We recite it three times each morning – before the Shema, during the Kedushah and during Uvah Letzion. It is a prophecy revealed to Isaiah mentioned in Isaih6:3. We emulate the angels in heaven and praise G-d with this phrase Holy…….

The Vilna Gaon states that the reason it is stated three times is for emphasis and to show just how great and distant G-d is from our understanding – just as we refer to G-d as Melech Malchei Hamelachim – The King of kings.

The Targum – Rav Yonason ben Uziel explains that the three mentions of Kadosh indicate that G-d is Kadosh from the Earth, G-d is Kadosh from the heavenly upper worlds and G-d is Kadosh for all eternity; from the beginning of time until the end of time.

The word Kadosh literally means separate. When the Torah states Kedoshim Tihiyu – You shall be holy – Rashi teaches that it means you shall be separate. It therefore follows that the Kiddush we recite on Shabbat separates the Sabbath day as holy above and beyond the days of the week. When a couple gets married it is called Kiddushin – because it creates a union/relationship between husband and wife that separates them from the rest of the world. They have a holy bond with each other to the exclusion of every other person on the planet. When one would dedicate a gift to the Holy Temple in its time – it was called Hekdesh – Holy – because it was separated to be offered as a holy offering.

G-d is also separate. We don’t begin to understand Him. The only way we understand His will is through the Torah He presented to us. Without it we would not know how to live, behave, and relate in His world.

The deeper message within this verse is that whereas by a human being, the more distant he is, the less his presence is felt, G-d, despite His unfathomable distance fills up the entire universe with His presence/honor. Everywhere we turn we can find G-d. In nature, in each other, in history and in our destiny – every day in every way He is there. Our job is to perceive Him, emulate Him and appreciate Him the best that we can.

Despite G-d’s holiness/separation Hashem Tzilcha Al Yad Yiminecha – G-d is your shadow on your right hand side. May we merit to notice, acknowledge and benefit in this world and the next from the Kedushah of Hashem.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein