Tefillah Tips - Lakel Baruch Neimot Yitaynu 5

The next description of Hashem in our Tefillah is Norah Tehillos – G-d is Awesome in praise.

The phrase originates from Exodus15:11 at the conclusion of the Song of the Sea- when the verse states Norah Tehillos Oseh Pheleh. The people of Israel exclaim how awesome Hashem is after they watch the splitting of the sea and the drowning of their enemies.

The Etz Yosef explains that Norah Tehillos- Awesome in praise means that G-d is above and beyond any praise one could ever express. There is no song, poem, painting or any other human expression that can capture the eternal awesomeness of our Creator.

Rav Shimon Schwab zt”l writes differently that Norah Tehillos- Awesome in praise, may also refer to a different idea. This idea is based on the Talmudic statement, “One must recite a blessing over the bad as well as the good in life”. It is easy to recite numerous thanks and appreciation to G-d when life is going great. When we are feeling great, the family is well, no financial woes, and life is satisfying and fulfilling who wouldn’t sponsor a kiddush in celebration. What about when life is challenging? G-d forbid there are health concerns, safety concerns, any type of worry.. one may not be as quick to show recognition and express praise to Hashem in that setting.

This Tefillah teaches otherwise – G-d is Norah Tehillos- Awesome in praise. Hashem is so beyond our finite comprehension that we praise Him despite the fact that we are facing challenges at this moment.

Eyn Od Milvado – It is all from G-d. The more we comprehend this idea, the more fulfilling, secure and enjoyable life is.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein