Tefillah Tips - Lakel Baruch Neimot Yitaynu 6

Ohr Chadash Al Tzion Tair Venizkeh Kulanu Mehayra Leoro..B. A. Hashem Yotzer Hameorot – A new light will appear over Zion and we shall all merit from its radiance - Blessed are you G-d the creator of the luminaries.

We have reached the conclusion of the 1st blessing that precedes the Shema. There is a fascinating dispute amidst the commentaries as to what this blessing refers to. It is not clear whether the Ohr Chadash – The new light – refers to the sun or the spiritual radiance that awaits the righteous during the Messianic era.

It is written that Rav Sadya Gaon understood the New Light to refer to the radiance of the World to Come. Rav Binyamin differs and writes that the blessing refers to the sunlight we enjoy each day that will be renewed and enhanced in the Messianic Era. Finally, the Rosh states that the Ohr Chadash relates specifically to the light that originally shined during creation that was stored away (Ohr Ganuz) for the righteous at the end of days. However we will understand the origins of this New Light, we pray each day that it should shine upon us and Zion and bring forth a new era of truth, clarity and blessings.

We can apply the theme of this blessing to our own lives as well. There are aspects of our lives that we would like to correct, improve and develop. Some of us will accomplish this by starting a new project with zeal. Others may simply improve on already existing goals and projects in our lives. Similarly some may focus on existing goals and understand that the achievement of these goals will propel energy towards new vistas and horizons.

Every day provides us with new challenges and therefore new opportunities. As we recite Ohr Chadash each day may we be inspired by the rising sun to rise and reach new heights and eventually enjoy the light for the righteous which awaits us at the time of Moshiach.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein