1,222. Intentions Regarding the Withdrawn Funds

Shekalim 2:8

When the funds were put into the three smaller baskets, the funds were placed in the first basket on behalf of those who live in Israel, in the second on behalf of those who live in walled cities surrounding Israel and the rest of Israel, and in the third basket on behalf of the residents of Babylonia, Media, other distant lands, and the rest of Jewry.

Shekalim 2:9

When withdrawing the funds, the person had the intention to include all those whose donations had been collected and now resided in the chamber, all those whose donations had been collected but had not yet reached the chamber, and all those whose donations were yet to be collected. In this way, the money withdrawn to purchase sacrifices would serve as an atonement for the entire Jewish people because it would be considered as if their donations had already reached the chamber and were included in the funds that were being withdrawn.