1,220. Bringing the Half-Shekels to the Temple

Shekalim 2:4

When the half-shekel was collected in every city, the money was sent to the Temple with messengers. The half-shekels could be exchanged for gold dinars to make the funds easier to transport. All the money was gathered together in the Temple, in one of the chambers. The doors to this chamber were locked and covered with seals. The money was stored there in three large baskets, each one large enough to hold nine seah (about 18 gallons); the rest was left in the chamber. The money in the baskets was called “terumas halishkah” – money from the chamber that was put aside. The rest of the money was called “sheyarei halishkah” – the rest of the money from the chamber.

Shekalim 2:5

Three times a year, money was withdrawn from this chamber: On Rosh Chodesh Nisan, on either the day before or the day after Rosh Hashana, and 15 days before Shavuos. Money was withdrawn as follows: one person would enter the chamber, while guards waited outside. He would ask them, “Shall I withdraw the money?” and they would reply “Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw,” three times. The person then took money from the three large baskets and filled three smaller baskets of three seah (about six gallons) each. He then took the money outside to use until it was gone. He would return and refill the three smaller baskets from the three larger baskets before Shavuos. This money was likewise used until it was gone.