1,217. When the Half-Shekel Donation was Required

Shekalim 1:8

The obligation to donate the half-shekel only applies at a time when the Temple is standing. At such a time, the half-shekel is given both in Israel and the Diaspora. When the Temple is not standing, the half-shekel is not required even in Israel.

Shekalim 1:9

On the first day of the month of Adar, the court would announce the collection of the half-shekel so that everyone would have the opportunity to prepare his donation. On 15 Adar, money-changers would sit in every city and encourage the people to make their donations. If someone gave at this time, it was accepted; if one did not give, he was not compelled. On 25 Adar, they sat in the Temple to collect the half-shekel. From this point on, whoever had not yet given his half-shekel would be compelled to do so. If a person did not donate, his property – even his clothes – would be withheld as collateral.