1,216. Donating the Standard Unit of Currency

Shekalim 1:6

When the standard unit of currency was the darkon, everyone gave a sela as his “half-shekel.” When the standard unit was a sela, everyone gave half a sela, which is two dinar, as the half-shekel. When the standard denomination was the half-sela, everyone give that coin - half a sela - as the half-shekel. At no point did the Jews ever give less than the half-shekel of the Torah for their half-shekel.

Shekalim 1:7

All men must give a half-shekel: kohanim, Leviim, Yisroelim, converts and freed servants. Women, servants still indentured and children are not so obligated but if they choose to donate the half-shekel, it is accepted from them. If a Samaritan donates the half-shekel, it is not accepted. A father who starts giving the half-shekel for his son should not discontinue the practice. Rather, he should keep donating the half-shekel every year until the son reaches the age of majority and starts giving the half-shekel himself.

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