Navigating an Alien World: Lessons from Avraham and Lot

The Torah describes Avraham as living (ישב) in ארץ כנען and Lot living (ישב) in ארץ הככר but adds ויאהל עד סדום - he tents until Sodom, indicating he's not sure about entering. During the war of the Kings he is described as living IN סדום.

When the angels come Lot welcomes the guests (emulating Avraham) but throws his daughters out (emulating Sodom), indicating he is trying to straddle both sides.

In Parshat Chayei Sarah the story comes full circle: Avraham's journey began with his being told to separate himself from his surroundings (Lech Lecha) and Avraham now describes himself as a resident-stranger, a healthy dialectic (similar to עזר כנגדו, לעבדה ולשמרה).

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Delivered at the OU Israel Center, October 24th, 2018/15 Marcheshvan 5779