Tefillah Tips - Ahava Rabbah 6

Ki Beshem Kadshicha Hagadol Vehanorah Batachnu Nagila Venismicha Biyeshutecha – Because we have trusted in your great Name, may we exult and rejoice in Your salvation.

The Baruch Sheamar explains this line in our Tefillah to mean – We have the utmost confidence in You Hashem, and we know that if we do ours, Your salvation is waiting to be revealed. If we will listen to You, it is a done deal.

What an auspicious verse to study before Chanukah 2007! The story of Chanukah completely relates to our current Matzav / Situation.

Just as the Jews lived in Israel and were threatened by outside forces that also affected their spiritual stature, so is it true today. We the people of Israel, in our country Israel are being attacked by our neighbors as well as being assaulted spiritually across the world. The statistics speak for themselves. The Jewish assimilation and intermarriage rate are alarming.e.

On Chanukah, Yochanan, Judah, the Macabees and the Jewish nation generally achieve a spiritual renewal demonstrating renewed dedication to G-d and His eternal cause – the Torah, and therefore were rewarded with the Miracle of Chanukah for generations.

Today we face similar challenges. Despite the Annapolis talks and all other attempts to water down the Jewish Nation physically and spiritually, Ki Bshem Kadshicha Hagadol Vehanorah Batachnu Nagila Venismicha Biyeshutecha…… – IF WE DO OURS - AS ALWAYS HASHEM WILL DO HIS.

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Chanukah. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein