Tefillah Tips - Ahavah Rabba 9

Baruch Atoh Hashem Habocher Beamo Yisrael Beahavah – Blessed are You Hashem that chooses His nation Israel with love.

As we conclude this Tefilla – Ahava Rabbah, let us observe that the word Ahava found in the prayer. Ahava–Love is used 6 times! I am not aware of any other Tefillah that emphasizes love as much as this one does. At this part of davening when we recite Shema, we are filled with thoughts and feelings of love from our Creator and unto our Creator. No one can love another as strongly as Hashem does.

It is also important to point out that as opposed to the blessing we recite before reading the Torah – Asher Bohchar Banu - that You have chosen us, this blessing is in the present Habocher Beamo Yisrael Beahavah – Blessed are You Hashem that chooses His nation Israel with love. What is this coming to teach us?

The Dovair Shalom comments on our piece and states that this underscores the difference between conditional love and unconditional love. G-d’s love for us is unconditional. Therefore, before we declare our allegiance to G-d we affirm and recognize the eternal love affair we are engaged in.

It is well known that the numerology of the word Ahava = 13 which is the same as Echad =1. This teaches that where there is love there is oneness. It is fascinating that 13+13-double love is equal to 26 – the numerology of the ineffable name of G-d.

The Tefillah begins with love and it ends with love. The expression of that love is when G-d shared His Torah with us at Sinai. The Torah itself also begins with G-d’s loving-kindness –when G-d clothes Adam and Eve, and concludes with loving-kindness –when G-d buries Moshe (Tractate Sotah).

May we merit to experience and share the bountiful and endless love from and unto our Creator. Shabbat Shalom.

Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Ephraim Epstein