Nachum #7, Introduction to Chavakuk

Nachum focuses almost exclusively on Nineveh/Assyria except for one section about Bnei Yisrael. Unlike Eicha, Nachum ends with אין מנחם, there is no one to comfort.

In Nachum we learn that although Hashem didn't destroy Nineveh in the time of Yonah because they repented from the חמס, they didn't maintain that level, they reverted to their evil ways.

Where Nachum provides almost no personal introduction/historical context, Chavakuk provides nothing. Chazal say that Chavakuk was the one Elisha brought back to life (and Yonah was the one Eliyahu brought back to life). Whereas Nachum discusses the downfall of Assyria, Chavakuk deals with the rise of the next aggressor of Bnei Yisrael, Bavel.

Sponsored by Elaine Pomerantz in memory of her mother חנה בת שלמה.

Delivered at the OU Israel Center, October 22nd, 2018, 13 Marcheshvan 5779