Tefillah Tips - Shema Yisrael I

The Torah prescribes for us a daily double dosage of Kriat Shema - the recitation of the prayer - "Shema Yisrael - Hear Oh Israel." The tefilla of Shema Yisrael can be likened to a "Declaration of Dependence" to the Creator of the universe. The Talmud describes it as the vehicle with which to accept the Yoke of Heaven. Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l points out that the word Shema-to Hear is the word that was used at the moment of the original acceptance of G-d and His Torah at Sinai when the Jewish people cried out "Naaseh Venishmah- We will do and we will hear." As our forefathers declared 3300 years ago, so do we declare today "Shema Yisrael..."

Our sages teach us that the original recitation of the phrase "Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokaynu Hashem Echad" dates back to our Father Jacob. We are taught that at the close of Yaakov's life he called all of his children to his bed side to say farewell and reveal the destiny of the Jewish people. When he was unsuccessful sharing his visions and divine insights regarding the future of the Jewish people he grew despondent and concerned that perhaps his children (the original children of Israel) were not true to the G-d of Israel. At that anxiety filled moment Jacob's children recited in unison "Shema Yisrael...Echad." This provided comfort and fulfillment to him at the closing moments of life on this earth.

"Shema Yisrael" became the prayer of choice for martyrs dieing who died in the name of the G-d. The Talmud relates to us the painful story of Rabbi Akiva's death at the hands of the Romans. As his soul was departing from his body he too recited the Shema Yisrael. In addition to other reasons this is why Jews say Shema every night before going to sleep: sleep is considered in Jewish thought tantamount to death which is one of the reasons why we wash our hands (Neygal Vasser) when we rise in the morning.

The words of the Shema are so important that they are inserted into our Tefillin and our Mezuzot. We attach the Shema to our bodies and our homes to demonstrate our love and commitment to Hashem and His Torah. The opening word - Shema is written in the Torah with a large Ayin and the last word of the phrase Echad shows a large Dalet. The two letters together spell Ayd which means testimony. Saying the Shema every day is a testimony of ones conviction to walk in the ways of the Torah and do Mitzvot.