Tefillah Tips - Shema Yisrael III

The next paragraph of the Shema begins with the words "Veahavta Et Hashem Elokecha - And you shall love the Lord your G-d." The following verse explains just how much we should love Him. "Bechol Levavecha, uvechol nafshecha, uvechol meodecha - with all of your heart, your soul, and your possessions."

A question mentioned by many of the commentators is: How can the Torah command an emotion from us? We can be commanded to don Tefillin, to eat kosher, and to observe the Shabbat, but to love G-d? Emotions are triggered and experienced and not always accessible at will. How then shall we understand- "Veahavta Et Hashem - You Shall love G-d?"

HaRav Baruch HaLevi Epstein zt"l in his work on the siddur, The Baruch Sheamar advances two approaches to understanding this verse.

The first approach maintains the literal translation of Veahavta - You shall love Him. He explains that the commandment of "Vahavta" must be seen in light of the previous prayer in the siddur- "Ahava Rabbah." The prayer "Ahava Rabbah" demonstrates the absolute all-encompassing love that our Creator has for us. "Ahava Rabbah Ahavtanu - G-d You have loved us with an abundant love." Once we know, understand and appreciate G-d's adoration and love for us, it is only natural for us to experience love for Him as well. Of course we cannot be commanded to conjure an emotion at will, but we can be commanded to focus on G-d's benevolent ways that will trigger in us a deep love for Him in return.

The second approach is a passage in the Talmud tractate Yoma 86A which interprets our verse to mean - "G-d should become beloved through your actions." It is not enough to simply perform Mitzvoth- commandments. We are obliged to live and behave in a way that creates honor and dignity for Hashem. The way that we talk, the way that we dress and the way we relate to our family and colleagues all reflect on our Maker- G-d. So the first verse in the paragraph implores us- "Veahavta Et Hashem - to love G-d" by making a Kiddush Hashem living a noble life that celebrates the royalty and magnificence of G-d. In our world where the name Jew and the name of the Jewish State - Israel are not yet fully appreciated by the nations of the world (to put it mildly) fulfilling this Mitzvah properly is essential in creating and maintaining the just and noble nation we represent.

May we all benefit from and utilize these two important insights into "Veahavta - And you shall love G-d." Firstly to take note and appreciate Hashem and his ways, and secondly to accept and execute the mission of giving G-d Nachas through our actions so the world will notice how precious and dignified Torah living can be.