1,213. Beginning Hilchos Shekalim

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 8:15

Rejoicing in the performance of mitzvos and love of God is a great form of service to Him. One who restrains himself from such rejoicing is deserving of punishment as per Deuteronomy 28:47, “because you did not serve Hashem your God with joy and a glad heart.” Whoever considers himself important and tries to honor himself, acting with arrogance in such situations, is a sinner and a fool. King Solomon warned us in Proverbs (28:10), “Do not seek glory before the King.” One who lowers himself and doesn’t consider himself above such things is a great person, deserving of honor, who serves God from a sense of love. Along these lines, King David said (II Samuel 6:22), “I will consider myself even less important than this and will be humble in my own eyes.” This is because there is no greatness or honor other than celebrating before God as per II Samuel 6:16, “King David danced wildly and whistled before God.”

Shekalim 1:1

There is a mitzvah from the Torah for every Jewish man to give a half-shekel every year. Even a needy person who is supported from charity is so required. One must borrow from others or sell the clothes off his back in order to give a half-shekel of silver as per Exodus 30:15, “The rich may not give more and the poor may not give less.” This half-shekel may not be given in installments, a little bit at a time over several days. Rather, it must be paid all at one time.