Tefillah Tips - Shema Yisrael V

The next phrase in the Shema is "Uvechol Nafshecha - with all of your soul." A Jew is commanded to love Hashem with all of his/her soul.

The Talmud explains this verse to mean - even until the point of death. The tragic killing of Rabbi Akiva located in the Yom Kippur liturgy demonstrates this idea. Rabbi Akiva was being persecuted and tortured by the Romans. His students noticed a hint of happiness from their Rebbe as hot iron combs were flaying his skin. They cried out, "dear Rebbe why are you happy at this awful moment?" Rabbi Akiva answered because all of my life I waited to fulfill the Mitzvah of Uvechol Nafshecha and now I am able to do so.

It is interesting and vital to understand and be aware of the Jewish approach to martyrdom. The Torah teaches us clearly "Vechay Bahem - And you shall live by the Torah and not die because of the Torah." This verse mandates the unending pursuit of human life. Therefore if G-d forbid one confronts a life threatening illness on Shabbat, it is a Mitzvah to rush to the hospital as quickly as possible. "Pikuach Nefesh - specific act of saving a life," takes precedence over all Torah law. The exception to this rule is the violation of the three transgressions - adultery, murder or idol worship that require a Jew to sacrifice his/her life. (There is a fourth sin that requires a Jew to sacrifice his life, which is limited to an era of forced conversions. Space does not permit me to elaborate.)

In a world where human life is so cheap and blood is spilled regularly by evil terrorists and zealots it is comforting to know what the honorable and moral viewpoint of the Torah is.

"Ashreinu Mah Tov Chelkaynu - How good and fortunate is our lot" - May we take pride in the truth that we represent and strive towards. May Hashem grant us deliverance from evil and persecution. And may we see the rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash speedily in our day.